The 5 Requirements of a Truly Innovative Company – (blog)

You can’t build a systemic capability without a systematic approach.


One of the hardest things when evaluating companies in which to invest is to find a track record of innovation and a method and process that makes that track record repeatable.  Past performance isn’t a proxy unless you have a persistent driver.

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Simon Schama announces portrait gallery displays with attack on selfies

Historian will help to create displays exploring portraiture at the National Portrait Gallery in London in the autumn


In this seemingly off the topic post, Simon Schama laments the  “look down” and “selfie” generation.  All creativity and innovation is catalyzed by looking out.  Consider the consequences if we don’t look at each other and the world around us.  We can’t be saved by a device.  #lookup

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4 Strategies For Introducing New Ideas At Work – Fast Company


Here’s how innovators working outside the mainstream can break into the wider corporate world.


Sometimes even the best ideas are lost to a poorly considered presentation.  If the ideas are our own, we have lived with them long enough to be at once too familiar as well as blind to their shortcomings.  Invest time in a well thought presentation.  #formmatters.

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Happy birthday to Moore’s Law – Washington Post (blog)

Fifty years ago Intel’s co-founder noted the breakneck speed at which electronics develop.


While Moore’s Law is the extreme case, the beauty (or the tyranny) of the better and the cheaper drives us to innovate (or die).  The urgency of the entrepreneur is now required together with the excellence of the operator.  Deliver on something or die trying.  #noroomforrest

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The secrets to staying creative in your workplace – CNN

Is your creativity at a lull? Two neuroscientists have come up with a scientific formula for inspiration.


10 insights from the new book The Eureka Factor offer a short list to increase your capacity to innovate.  Many of them seem obvious when one reflects on them but not surprisingly, tactical intensity tends to crowd most of them out.  #taketimetocreatespace

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What’s boosting US manufacturing? Networked innovation. – Brookings Institution

Robert Litan explains that a key feature of the future growth of many firms is the ability to harness new online networking tools to find innovative ideas outside of their firms and insular industries.


One is not likely to find the next big thing sitting at one’s desk thinking "what’s the next big thing?"  It’s not what you know alone that matters.  It is an insight you have borne of what you know combined with what others know.  Extend your reach, build a network and listen powerfully. #itsnotinsideyou

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Innovation Factory: How Parker Hannifin Pumps Out Breakthrough Products – Forbes

To spur breakthroughs, midwestern industrial giant Parker Hannifin let a maverick engineering boss unleash his own brand of Silicon Valley startup culture. How far will the experiment go?


It does not matter how old school the company, there must be an urgency to find the next product or category or service that customer will value and pay for.  And it is a battle to secure the financial and intellectual resources required to just that despite the collapsing half life of what you already have.

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Here’s which states are most innovative in America – Washington Post (blog)

Here’s where governments do the most to make it easy for citizens to innovate.


While there is just one United States, it is important to remember that there are 50 policy making states pursuing different levels and mixes of initiatives designed to encourage innovation.  Our future "depends upon our ability across all 50 states to innovate, solve problems, create jobs".

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For a More Creative Brain, Travel – The Atlantic

How international experiences can open the mind to new ways of thinking


I often speak of the importance of travel to prepare people for a global marketplace.  I had not considered fully that the broader frame of mind and greater adaptability that comes from travel may influence your capacity for creativity.  But, here is a study that suggests it does just that.  #traveltogrow

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